南北韓衝突 「第三次世界大戰」預言再起(2010/11/28 10:32)
保加利亞已故預言師季米特洛娃(Vangelia Gushterova),曾經預言今年下半年會爆發第三次世界大戰。(圖/達志影像/美聯社)
隨著南北韓砲擊事件的發生,使得朝鮮半島情勢緊張,網路上再度提起保加利亞已故預言師季米特洛娃(Vangelia Gushterova)的預言。根據她生前預言,今年下半年會爆發第三次世界大戰。
5079年---Vangelia Gushterova :End of the World
3797 年---Vangelia Gushterova :However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.地球徹底毀滅,人類在另一個星系中建造新家。
3010年 ---Vangelia Gushterova :A comet will hit the moon一個彗星將撞擊月球。 The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.地球將被包圍的一環岩石和灰燼
2371年---Vangelia Gushterova :World hunger世界飢餓。
2354年---Vangelia Gushterova :An accident on the artificial sun will result in drought.一個意外的人造太陽,將導致乾旱
2196年---Vangelia Gushterova :Asians and Europeans will be completely mixed亞洲人和歐洲人將完全混合
2195年---Vangelia Gushterova :The sea colonies will have energy and food.海洋殖民地將能源和食品
2170年---Vangelia Gushterova :Major drought.主要乾旱
2164年---Vangelia Gushterova :Animals turn half-human動物轉半人
2130年---Vangelia Gushterova :With the help of the aliens, civilizations will live underwater.與幫助的外國人,文明將生活在水下。
2125年---Vangelia Gushterova :Signals from Space will be received in Hungary.人類與外星人直接接觸。
2111年---Vangelia Gushterova :People become robots人變成機器人。可能像機器人
2100年---Vangelia Gushterova :Man-made sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet.人造太陽照亮了黑暗的一面的星球
2066年---Vangelia Gushterova :The US uses a new climate-changing weapon on Muslim controlled Rome.美國使用一種新的氣候變化對穆斯林的武器控制羅馬
2046 年---Vangelia Gushterova :All bodily organs can be reproduced, becoming the easiest and most popular method of treatment.人體器官可大量生產和更換。
2028年---Vangelia Gushterova :A new energy source will be found.人類創造出新能源,並解決饑餓問題。
2023年---Vangelia Gushterova :The Earth's orbit will change地球的軌道將發生變化
2018年---Vangelia Gushterova :China will become the new superpower.中國成為世界第一強國。
2016年---Vangelia Gushterova :Europe is nearly uninhabited歐洲幾乎無人居住
2010.11~2014.10---Vangelia Gushterova :World War 3 begins in November 2010.第三次世界大戰
1911.1.21~1996.8.11---Vangelia Gushterova
>> 預言美國第44任總統是黑人=2008奧巴馬當選
>> 預言斯大林1953年逝世成真
>> 預言希特勒1945年倒台成真
2010: World War 3 begins in November 2010. Starting as a regular war, it will progress to a nuclear and chemical war. Vanga says the war will be finished by October 2014.
2011: As a result of the war, radioactive showers will destroy almost all life in the Northern Hemisphere. The remaining Europeans will face an even further threat from the Muslims who will use chemical weapons to finish them off.
2014: As another result of the chemicals and nuclear weapons during the war, most of the world population will have skin cancer and other skin diseases.
2016: Europe is nearly uninhabited.
2018: China will become the new superpower. The exploiters will become the exploited.
2023: The Earth's orbit will change.
2025: Europe is still very underpopulated.
2028: A new energy source will be found. Hunger is overcome. A manned space flight will leave for Venus.
2033: The world water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt.
2043: Economy is good. The Muslims will run Europe.
2046: All bodily organs can be reproduced, becoming the easiest and most popular method of treatment.
2066: The U.S. uses a new climate-changing weapon on Muslim controlled Rome.
2076: Communism takes over.
2084: Nature is reborn.(??)
2088: A new disease makes you grow old in seconds.
2097: The Fast-Aging Disease is cured.
2100: Man-made sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet.
2111: People become robots. Probably like androids.
2123: Wars between small countries. The big countries stay out of it.
2125: Signals from Space will be received in Hungary. (People will be reminded of Baba Vanga - probably due to her alien subjects)
2130: With the help of the aliens, civilizations will live underwater.
2164: Animals turn half-human.
2167: A new religion.
2170: Major drought.
2183: A colony on Mars will become a nuclear power and ask for independance from Earth. (Like the U.S. asked from England.)
2187: 2 large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped.
2195: The sea colonies will have energy and food.
2196: Asians and Europeans will be completely mixed.
2201: Temperatures drop as the sun's thermonuclear processes slow down.
2221: In the search for extra-terrestrial life, humans will come in contact with something terrible.
2256: A spaceship will bring a new disease to Earth.
2262: Planets will slowly change orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet.
2271: Physics laws will be changed.
2273: White, black and yellow races will form 1 new race.
2279: Power will be obtained from nothing. (Possibly a vacuum or a black hole.)
2288: Possible time travel and alien contact.
2291: The sun grows cooler. Attempts will be made to make it hot again.
2296: Strong explosions in the sun. The forces of gravity will change. Old space stations and satellites will fall.
2299: In France, a resistance movement will rise against Islam.
2302: Important laws and secrets of the universe are revealed.
2304: Secrets of the Moon are also revealed.
2341: Something terrible will approach Earth from Space.
2354: An accident on the artificial sun will result in drought.
2371: World hunger.
2378: A new and fast-growing race.
2480: 2 artificial (man-made) suns will collide and leave the Earth in the dark.
3005: A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet.
3010: A comet will hit the moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.
3797: By this time, everything on Earth will die. However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.
And just when I thought this long look into a possible future by Baba Vanga was finished, I found a whole bunch of reposts of even more dates on many blogs and forums. Not sure where they originated from either. These next ones are copied since all the sites are the same - these aren't in my words, that is.
3803: A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people - they mutate.
3805: The war between humans for resources. More than half of people dying out.
3815: The war is over.
3854: The development of civilization virtually stops. People live flocks as beasts.
3871: New prophet tells people about moral values, religion.
3874: New prophet receives support from all segments of the population. Organized a new church.
3878: along with the Church to re-train new people forgotten sciences.
4302: New cities are growing in the world. New Church encourages the development of new technology and science.
4302: The development of science. Scientists discovered in the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.
4304: Found a way to win any disease.
4308: Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.
4509: Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.
4599: People achieve immortality.
4674: The development of civilization has reached its peak. The number of people living on different planets is about 340 billion. Assimilation begins with aliens.
5076: A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.
5078: The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.
5079: End of the World.
3797 年---Vangelia Gushterova :However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.地球徹底毀滅,人類在另一個星系中建造新家。
3010年 ---Vangelia Gushterova :A comet will hit the moon一個彗星將撞擊月球。 The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.地球將被包圍的一環岩石和灰燼
2371年---Vangelia Gushterova :World hunger世界飢餓。
2354年---Vangelia Gushterova :An accident on the artificial sun will result in drought.一個意外的人造太陽,將導致乾旱
2196年---Vangelia Gushterova :Asians and Europeans will be completely mixed亞洲人和歐洲人將完全混合
2195年---Vangelia Gushterova :The sea colonies will have energy and food.海洋殖民地將能源和食品
2170年---Vangelia Gushterova :Major drought.主要乾旱
2164年---Vangelia Gushterova :Animals turn half-human動物轉半人
2130年---Vangelia Gushterova :With the help of the aliens, civilizations will live underwater.與幫助的外國人,文明將生活在水下。
2125年---Vangelia Gushterova :Signals from Space will be received in Hungary.人類與外星人直接接觸。
2111年---Vangelia Gushterova :People become robots人變成機器人。可能像機器人
2100年---Vangelia Gushterova :Man-made sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet.人造太陽照亮了黑暗的一面的星球
2066年---Vangelia Gushterova :The US uses a new climate-changing weapon on Muslim controlled Rome.美國使用一種新的氣候變化對穆斯林的武器控制羅馬
2046 年---Vangelia Gushterova :All bodily organs can be reproduced, becoming the easiest and most popular method of treatment.人體器官可大量生產和更換。
2028年---Vangelia Gushterova :A new energy source will be found.人類創造出新能源,並解決饑餓問題。
2023年---Vangelia Gushterova :The Earth's orbit will change地球的軌道將發生變化
2018年---Vangelia Gushterova :China will become the new superpower.中國成為世界第一強國。
2016年---Vangelia Gushterova :Europe is nearly uninhabited歐洲幾乎無人居住
2010.11~2014.10---Vangelia Gushterova :World War 3 begins in November 2010.第三次世界大戰
1911.1.21~1996.8.11---Vangelia Gushterova
>> 預言美國第44任總統是黑人=2008奧巴馬當選
>> 預言斯大林1953年逝世成真
>> 預言希特勒1945年倒台成真
2010: World War 3 begins in November 2010. Starting as a regular war, it will progress to a nuclear and chemical war. Vanga says the war will be finished by October 2014.
2011: As a result of the war, radioactive showers will destroy almost all life in the Northern Hemisphere. The remaining Europeans will face an even further threat from the Muslims who will use chemical weapons to finish them off.
2014: As another result of the chemicals and nuclear weapons during the war, most of the world population will have skin cancer and other skin diseases.
2016: Europe is nearly uninhabited.
2018: China will become the new superpower. The exploiters will become the exploited.
2023: The Earth's orbit will change.
2025: Europe is still very underpopulated.
2028: A new energy source will be found. Hunger is overcome. A manned space flight will leave for Venus.
2033: The world water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt.
2043: Economy is good. The Muslims will run Europe.
2046: All bodily organs can be reproduced, becoming the easiest and most popular method of treatment.
2066: The U.S. uses a new climate-changing weapon on Muslim controlled Rome.
2076: Communism takes over.
2084: Nature is reborn.(??)
2088: A new disease makes you grow old in seconds.
2097: The Fast-Aging Disease is cured.
2100: Man-made sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet.
2111: People become robots. Probably like androids.
2123: Wars between small countries. The big countries stay out of it.
2125: Signals from Space will be received in Hungary. (People will be reminded of Baba Vanga - probably due to her alien subjects)
2130: With the help of the aliens, civilizations will live underwater.
2164: Animals turn half-human.
2167: A new religion.
2170: Major drought.
2183: A colony on Mars will become a nuclear power and ask for independance from Earth. (Like the U.S. asked from England.)
2187: 2 large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped.
2195: The sea colonies will have energy and food.
2196: Asians and Europeans will be completely mixed.
2201: Temperatures drop as the sun's thermonuclear processes slow down.
2221: In the search for extra-terrestrial life, humans will come in contact with something terrible.
2256: A spaceship will bring a new disease to Earth.
2262: Planets will slowly change orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet.
2271: Physics laws will be changed.
2273: White, black and yellow races will form 1 new race.
2279: Power will be obtained from nothing. (Possibly a vacuum or a black hole.)
2288: Possible time travel and alien contact.
2291: The sun grows cooler. Attempts will be made to make it hot again.
2296: Strong explosions in the sun. The forces of gravity will change. Old space stations and satellites will fall.
2299: In France, a resistance movement will rise against Islam.
2302: Important laws and secrets of the universe are revealed.
2304: Secrets of the Moon are also revealed.
2341: Something terrible will approach Earth from Space.
2354: An accident on the artificial sun will result in drought.
2371: World hunger.
2378: A new and fast-growing race.
2480: 2 artificial (man-made) suns will collide and leave the Earth in the dark.
3005: A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet.
3010: A comet will hit the moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.
3797: By this time, everything on Earth will die. However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.
And just when I thought this long look into a possible future by Baba Vanga was finished, I found a whole bunch of reposts of even more dates on many blogs and forums. Not sure where they originated from either. These next ones are copied since all the sites are the same - these aren't in my words, that is.
3803: A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people - they mutate.
3805: The war between humans for resources. More than half of people dying out.
3815: The war is over.
3854: The development of civilization virtually stops. People live flocks as beasts.
3871: New prophet tells people about moral values, religion.
3874: New prophet receives support from all segments of the population. Organized a new church.
3878: along with the Church to re-train new people forgotten sciences.
4302: New cities are growing in the world. New Church encourages the development of new technology and science.
4302: The development of science. Scientists discovered in the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.
4304: Found a way to win any disease.
4308: Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.
4509: Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.
4599: People achieve immortality.
4674: The development of civilization has reached its peak. The number of people living on different planets is about 340 billion. Assimilation begins with aliens.
5076: A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.
5078: The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.
5079: End of the World.
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