Quickcomm Benefits - Telecom Expense Optimization and More… |  | http://www.quickcomm.com/solutions/telecom-expense-management-benefits.shtml
Quickcomm's Telecom Expense Management Software delivers:- Automatic reconciliation of telecom bills down the line-item level
- Reports of charges for lines or services that are not in your inventory
- Reports of charges by personnel who are no longer with your company
- Allocation of telecom expenses by cost center
- Analysis of telecom infrastructure usage to help guide provisioning
Armed with this information, you can:- Cut the cost of your telecom infrastructure immediately
- Eliminate "leaks" in your telecom cost structure
- Provision your telecom services in line with your actual usage, usually preventing cost creep
The results are significant cost savings in every aspect of your telecom management:- Save an average 10-20% on your annual bill
- Catch the waste every month-saving from about 2% on your annual telecom expenses
- Recover as much as 5-10% of your telecom expenses by identifying charges above the contracted rate
- Reduce the time and expense of processing telecom bills
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