Sunday, March 14, 2010

Telecom Expense Reduction and Efficiency Maximization

Expense Reduction and Efficiency Maximization

Tellennium’s Audit & Optimization services include a comprehensive investigation of all telecom expenses and network designs, including an evaluation of all carriers, circuits, devices, usage, and associated charges, to ensure enterprise-wide accuracy and consistency.


We evaluate all existing agreements, published rates, circuit validity, and tariffs against current and past invoices, researching every charge and circuit for inaccuracies and fraudulent billing. When we find overcharges, Tellennium secures credits and refunds for our clients.


We‘ll evaluate usage and the efficiencies of each circuit and device, and map the existing network design(s). After we produce and consolidate this analysis, Tellennium will propose alternative technologies and/or more efficient rate plans for our clients’ approval. Upon approval, we manage their implementation and confirm the expected efficiencies.

Audit & Optimization Includes:

  • Circuit and Service Usage Analysis
  • Rate Structure Applicability and Contracted Rate Adherence Analysis
  • Network Design Analysis and Mapping
  • Recommendation Reports
  • Implementation of Approved Recommendations

Our clients average expense reductions of 28%, through savings and credits (as confirmed by a six-year analysis of all Tellennium Audit & Optimization and TIMS clients from 2002-2008).

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Ying Yang

Ying Yang

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